Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

5 Signs of Caffeine Advantage Body

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5 Signs of Caffeine Advantage Body


Jakarta, Coffee is a drink that has become a favorite of several people. Some people often feel better after drinking coffee, until it can be a daily routine, but overdose from coffee can endanger health. "" Some research has linked high-dose coffee with infertility and increased risk of hip fractures in elderly women. If you stop drinking coffee suddenly, may also be naturally furious, fatigue, headache, and even depression, "said Keri Gans M., MS, RD, CDN. American Dietetic Association refers to caffeine consumption of no more than 300 mg a day, or about 2 or 3 cups of coffee. Approximately what signal signals can come out when the body of excellence cafein? Such a sign of the superior body of caffeine as taken from Prevention on Monday (3/26/2012) include: 1. Feel more limp when approaching the afternoon Consuming some canned drinks that have the content of caffeine in one day can make it feel have high power, and then down strikingly approaching the afternoon. Until the time approaches the afternoon, generally will also feel relatively weaker. 2. Urine is dark yellow or orange "" Urine is dark yellow or orange signals sign of dehydration. Coffee is actually a diuretic agent that can lead to dehydration by increasing the amount of urine expenditure, to the loss of body fluids very much, "said Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN and clinical nutrition experts at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Caffeine generally does not cause dehydration until after consumption of about 500 mg. 3. Can not sleep "" Cafein requires a time around 45 minutes to 1 hour in order to be absorbed by the body. It means staying on the body for half an hour and can affect the sleep cycle, "says Molly Morgan, RD. If it takes longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night, so try to cut the amount of caffeine to get better sleep. It applies to all substances that contain caffeine. Also need to remember that coffee without any cafein and tea without any cafein not really free cafein. 4. Feeling anxious Sweating hands, heart palpitations and anxiety is a guide that has experienced a caffeine overdose. "" Caffeine may aggravate stress and depression because it disrupts the chemicals of the tranquilizing neurotransmitters in the brain that adenosine refers to. Caffeine can also act as a stimulant that causes the adrenal glands to release more stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can increase heart rate, to make it feel more worried, "said Erin Palinski, RD, CDE, CPT. 5. MossAcid reflux takes place when the muscle at the end of the esophagus (the lower esophageal sphincter) causes food and stomach acid to flow back up. Until causing a burning feeling under the chest. When that happens, the overdose of caffeine may be the trigger. "" Cafein relaxes the esophageal sphincter, which is very likely acid to flow back into the esophagus, "" Gross said. (del / ir)

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5 Signs Body Excess Caffeine Jakarta, Coffee is a drink that has become a favorite of many people. Some people often feel better after drinking coffee, so it can become a daily habit, but overdose from coffee may be harmful to health. "" Some studies have linked high doses of coffee with infertility and increased risk of hip fractures in elderly women. If you stop drinking coffee suddenly, you may experience irritability, fatigue, headaches, and even depression, "Keri Gans M., MS, RD, CDN. The American Dietetic Association recommends consuming no more than 300 mg daily , or about 2 or 3 cups of coffee. Approximately any signs that can appear when the body excess caffeine? Here's a sign of excess caffeine body as quoted from Prevention, Monday (03/26/2012), among others: 1. Feel more lethargic in the late afternoon Consuming a few canned drinks containing caffeine in a day can create a feeling of high energy, and then drop drastically by the afternoon. So that in the late afternoon, usually will tend to feel more weakness. Urine is dark yellow or orange "" Urine that is dark yellow or orange is a sign of dehydration. Coffee is actually a diuretic agent that can cause dehydration by increasing the amount of urine expenditure, resulting in the loss of too much body fluids, "" Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN and clinical nutritionist at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Caffeine usually does not trigger dehydration until after consuming about 500 mg.3. Can not sleep "" Caffeine takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to be absorbed by the body. That means staying within the body for several hours and can affect the sleep cycle, "says Molly Morgan, RD. If it takes longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night, then try to cut the amount of caffeine to get better sleep . This applies to all substances that contain caffeine. Also keep in mind that decaffeinated coffee and decaf tea are not really caffeine-free.4. Feeling anxious Sweating hands, heart palpitations and anxiety is a clue that caffeine has been overdosed. "" Caffeine can aggravate stress and depression because it interferes with the chemicals of a sedative neurotransmitter in the brain called adenosine. Caffeine can also act as a stimulant that triggers the adrenal glands to secrete more stress hormones such as adrenaline, which can increase heart rate, thus causing more anxiety, "says Erin Palinski, RD, CDE, CPT.5. MossAcid reflux occurs when the muscle at the end of the esophagus (the lower esophageal sphincter) causes food and stomach acid to flow back up. Thus causing a burning feeling under the chest. If that happens, a caffeine overdose could be the cause. "" Caffeine relaxes the esophageal sphincter, which allows the acid to flow back into the esophagus, "" Gross said.

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Inspirierend! Kämpfen gegen Depression, Stress durch Sport

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Inspirierend! Kämpfen gegen Depression, Stress durch Sport


Jakarta, In letzter Zeit berichteten viele berühmte Persönlichkeiten über das Leben als Selbstmord, unterstützt von einer unkontrollierten exzessiven Depression. Denken Sie daran, es gibt tatsächlich eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, die getan werden können, um mit dieser Depression umzugehen. Jemima Djatmiko, eine Praktizierende des gesunden Lebensstils, sagte, dass man regelmäßig Sport treiben kann. Jemima selbst erzählte mir, dass sie gegen Depressionen gekämpft hat. Zu dieser Zeit ist die Frau, die Indonesien einmal im Wettbewerb Test of Will 2017 Südostasien in Malaysia vertreten hat, am tiefsten Punkt des Lebens. Es gibt viele Probleme, denen er sich stellen muss. Viele Dinge die ich erlebt habe, die sich wirklich unten anfühlten. Ja, es gibt Familienprobleme, auch persönliche Probleme. Zu dieser Zeit muss es durch den Scheidungsprozess gehen, ist sehr schwierig und es macht mich so depressiv, sagte Jemima im Gespräch mit detikHealth. Zu dieser Zeit hatte ich auch niemanden um mich herum, meine Familie war auch dagegen. Ja der Vorfall ist, ich war verzweifelt, will schon wirklich aufgeben, nur wir glauben es gibt einen Gott ja. Gott, der uns immer noch hält, Gott liebt uns immer noch, erinnert sich Jemima. Lesen Sie auch: Diese Gründe, warum Sport Stress beseitigen kann






Bei einem Fitness-Contest kann Jemima mit eigener Kraft ein 1,5 Tonnen schweres Auto ziehen / Foto: Instagram @jemimajobe






Jemima bestätigt, wenn sie depressiv ist, neigt sie dazu, sich körperlich zu verletzen. Doch mit der Hilfe eines Psychologen will Jemima schließlich nicht aufstehen. Er sagte, anstatt sich selbst zu verletzen, lenkte er es mit einer positiveren Sache ab, dass Sportarten wie Laufen oder Gewichtheben. Weil der Sport sich Nos-Ngosan fühlt, fühlt sich der Körper müde, gerade auf diese Weise verletzen wir uns nicht, aber wir machen etwas besser , mehr nützlich und sogar in der Tat gibt es Ergebnisse, sagte Jemima.Sudah gitu gibt es Endorphin Hormon, ja ich habe mehr glücklich mehr seneng, pungkasnya.Hormon Endorphine sind Hormone, die helfen können, die Stimmung einer Person zu regulieren. Es ist bekannt, dass das Training den Körper dazu bringt, es zu produzieren, so dass Menschen, die gestresst, traurig oder depressiv sind, oft körperliche Aktivitäten empfohlen werden. Lesen Sie auch: Liste der Sportarten, die versucht werden müssen, um Stress zu überwinden Jemimas Sportarten werden als extrem eingestuft, diese von ihnen:






Ein Beitrag geteilt von JEMIMA DJATMIKO (@jemimajobe) am 14. Juni 2017 um 04:45 PDT



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Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Tra ritenuta e forzante pipis, che è più pericoloso?


Tra ritenuta e forzante pipis, che è più pericoloso?


Jakarta, invece di morire per strada, molte persone decidono di urinare prima di partire. Sebbene forse non volesse urinare. Secondo gli esperti, questa abitudine in realtà non è salutare. È una fisioterapista clinica di nome Diane Wootton che ha detto, coloro che scelgono di urinare prima di viaggiare rischiano di indebolire la vescica. Cioè, la tua urina non riempirà la quantità normale (circa 200 ml) perché viene spesso svuotata. E se questo accade continuamente, allora la tua urina si indebolirà nel tempo, ha spiegato al Daily Mail. Quando la vescica si indebolisce, ciò che accade è incontinenza o beser. La mia paziente doveva andare in bagno 22 volte al giorno a causa di questa abitudine, ha continuato Wootton. Secondo una donna esperta nel trattamento della disfunzione dell'intestino e della vescica, nelle persone che frequentano anche la minzione, in realtà non devono preoccuparsi se il morire occasionalmente in Questo è perché la vescica può essere riaddestrata per funzionare normalmente, facendo la distanza il più possibile tra l'una e la successiva. È inoltre possibile utilizzare altri trucchi per ridurre la necessità del bagno, tra cui ridurre il consumo di liquidi durante il giorno. Inoltre, evitare il consumo di bevande contenenti caffeina come tè, caffè, soda o alcool che possono irritare la vescica. Leggi anche: Segni di urina malsana D'altra parte, non abituarsi a tenere la minzione per troppo tempo. La "resistenza" di ciascuna persona per questa cosa è diversa, ma il punto di riferimento è che la maggior parte delle persone può contenere da 300 a 400 ml di liquido nella vescica mentre beve due litri di liquido al giorno senza svegliarsi nel cuore della notte. Mentre lo standard di frequenza per la toilette normale è 4-10 volte al giorno. Oltre alla minzione forzata, devi anche sapere che un movimento accelerato dell'intestino può anche innescare una tensione eccessiva nell'ano, così che i vasi sanguigni si gonfiano facilmente o in seguito si chiamino emorroidi o emorroidi. Leggi anche: Spesso Ngeden può fare l'enuresi neonatale per adulti (lll / vit)